Emotionist Mikhail Abram

Emotionist Mikhail Abram

Emotionism - A Canvas with Feelings

Emotionism - A Canvas with Feelings

Contact the Artist for Individual Projects

Contact the Artist for Individual Projects


A Forerunner of the Emerging Art Movement “Emotionism”

Михаил Абрам - художник-эмоционист

Mikhail Abram (Abramov) is a contemporary Russian painter and one the founders of Russian “Emotionism.” When asked to describe the movement in one sentence, Abram said: “My paintings are always an attempt at dialogue with the soul of the viewer.”

Born and raised in a small industrial Russian town, Abram graduated from high school in 1983 and shortly after completed obligatory military service. In 1993 he traveled to the UK to study literature at Kendal University. Following his passion for visual arts, Abram took every opportunity to visit art studios and galleries. He lived in London until 2003 working in the real estate industry.

Upon his return to Russia, Mikhail Abram opened a family restaurant (“Makarov”) in St. Petersburg. At the same time, he felt a strong urge to rekindle his interest in art. It ultimately progressed from a hobby to his full-time occupation.

The late 2000s saw the beginning of Abram’s vibrant artistic career. In 2008, the first personal exhibition of his works was organized by Dimitry Pilikin in the gallery “Belka and Strelka” in St. Petersburg.

In 2012, Mikhail Abram founded the “Young Artist Support Association” [Ассоциация Поддержки Молодых Художников]. The main goal of the Association is to foster the growth of “Emotionism” as a cultural phenomenon.

In 2013, Mikhail Abram’s painting “St. Petersburg Lovers” won the Special Audience Prize at the IV International Competition of Portraits “Portrait Now!” that was held at St. Petersburg’s celebrated museum of modern art “Erarta.”

Abram’s second solo exhibition was held in Astana, Kazakhstan in 2014. It was organized by Emil Moljanov and took place in the gallery “Ajar.”

In the same year, the third personal exhibition of Mikhail Abram’s art was organized by Inna Pozina in the gallery “Master” in St. Petersburg.

Abram participated in several private and group exhibitions, including those organized by Los Angeles Art Association in 2018.

In 2021 Mikhail exhibited works in international talent UK competitions - Golden Time Talent, international competition festival of emotional arts EMOTIONS, Art Alebrio.

Selected Works

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